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Welcome to MyToken.com
The Spamkiss Project

There are 40 new Messages in you mailbox, but after elimination of all annoying advertisement and unwanted newsletters there is just two worm attacks and three Trojans left. Friends and business partners have stopped writing since long, because personal messages have been sorted out by the new Spamfilter Program and consequently have been left unanswered. At the CeBIT, All About It Systems S.A. presents a system that will reshuffle the cards between the originators and the bereaved.

Being affected themselves, the developers of All About It Systems have tackled the question how to effectively combat the increasing masses of spam with minimal effort. During the past year the initial idea was consequently enhanced and further developed. In the meantime the technical feasibility of the concept has been proven by the realization of a prototype of the system.

The principle is simple, up to now the Spammers have been taking advantage out of the fact that the common denominator of all potential receivers is easy to determine. Solicited Email most of the times is exchanged on an individual basis between few, known partners. By implementing a small hurdle, which, almost not noticed at an individual level, but effectively eliminating the common denominator for the Spammers, will turn the abuse into an expensive investment. This approach is so attractive, because it finally relocates the duty to handle all kinds of unsolicited mail from the receiver and his Email provider to the sender. The result is a technology that in this important point is very much different from all commonly used filter-based systems.

This system is a server-based solution that is implemented within the internal network of an organization.
As a basic principle this works independently of the mail server used, but it needs to have an adapted connecting module which implements the protocol needed. Already while receiving the Email, the communication between mail server and the system starts. Based on the information the user has stored the system decides whether to accept or to reject the incoming message. The rejection occurs at the earliest point, even before the data load has been transferred to the receiving host. The system opens up maximum benefit for the organization or group using the system, without having to change one thing on the rest of the Internet. The system is therefore an independent solution. With the beginning of the CeBIT, the prototype which has been developed based on PHP, MySQL and sendmail, will be made available to the Internet community as an open source project. In addition to this, All About It Systems will provide an implementation for the professional user during the course of the year.

At the CeBIT, All About It Systems will be on the stand of the Luxembourg Ministry of Economics,
Hall 4 - Stand 76 B.

Read more at www.spamkiss.com.

© 2004 - All About It Systems S.A.