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· What is a Spamkiss Token?
· The Spamkiss Project
· Request a Token

Welcome to MyToken.com
Do you need a Spamkiss Token?
If you send an e-mail for the first time to a Spamkiss user and the system did'nt know you yet, then you get an error message containing "You need a Spamkiss Token to send messages". This means that you need one additional information for the delivery of your message - the Spamkiss Token. The following links refer to more information about what it is exactly, how it works and how it helps to solve the Spam problem. If you just want the Token for a specific mail address than hit the Token Requester button.

Spamkiss is an innovative System, which enables the user to protect his mailbox against unsolicited e-mail. To do so, the system monitors all attempts's to deliver messages to the user at a central point. The message-transfer is only done, if it does comply with specific criteria that have been predefined individually by the Spamkiss user. The system does not need to know the content of the message - privacy is respected at all times.

  • An introduction to the basic principles of Spamkiss can be found under "The Spamkiss Project".
  • Another good source of information are the FAQ's.
  • The Spamkiss System is an open source project and has an informative home page.

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